Information The marks for each question are shown in brackets use this as a guide as to how much time to spend on each question. Answer the questions in the spaces provided there may be more space than you need.

Fill in the boxes at the top of this page with your name, centre number and candidate number. Instructions Use black ink or ball-point pen.

1 General prefix CTRL + : start new tmux start new session with name tmux new s myname attach tmux a # attach to named tmux a t myname list sesssions tmux ls kill session tmux kill-session t myname Sessions s list sessions $ rename session Windows (tabs) c create window w list windows n next window p previous window f find window, name window & kill window Panes (splits) % vertical split horizontal split o swap panes q show numbers x kill + break into window - restore from window space toggle layouts move right z toggle zoom Commands resize-pane D 20 resize down resize-pane U 20 resize up resize-pane L 20 resize left resize-pane R 20 resize right swap-window s 3 t 1 list-keys list-panes Misc d detach t clock ?Ģ List shortcuts : prompt Copy mode Function vi emacs back to indentation ^ M-m start selection space C-space clear selection Esc C-g copy selection Enter M-w cursor down j down cursor up k up cursor right l right cursor left h left delete line d C-u delete to end of line D C-k end of line $ C-e start of line 0 C-a next page C-f PgDn next word w M-f paste buffer p C-y quit mode q Esc scroll up K C-up scroll down J C-down search again n n search backward ? C-r search forward / C-s Reload $ tmux source-file ~/.Example: air traffic controller Search Mathematics (Linear) 1MA0 TRIGONOMETRY - …Įdexcel GCSE Mathematics ( linear ) 1ma0 TRIGONOMETRY Materials required for examination Items included with question papers Ruler graduated in centimetres and Nil millimetres, protractor, compasses, pen, HB pencil, eraser.